k34loup update 1

It's been 5 months since the last build and I have to like apologize for that, I've been dead silent on itch as compared to twitter and nobody deserves that, I know I'm slow but I'm doing work, I promise! 

I'm writing this post because I just wanted to give everyone an update on what the HELL is going on, I just really wanted to share my thoughts in general and be transparent as you guys deserve. Ever since I was creating the third build of No More Regrets, I have always wanted to fully finish this build, not a part one- part two scenario like I ended up doing. But every time I seemed to work on it more, I always felt the desire to redo it all over again, and the more this happened, the more I ended up seeing flaws and imperfections of not just early content but all my work in general. I ended up being stuck for MONTHS in a crisis of not being good enough or what the fuck am i doing? dilemma that keeps looping in my mind - up until now, I'm admitting.  

I know it's normal, and I know i things like this happen ALL the time with other creators,  but then it ended up feeling like I was disappointing everyone with the quality I give and the time it takes for me to actually release something, thus instead of my original plan of releasing a fully fledged build, I wanted to stop doing this - I wanted to cancel this project and disappear off the internet, it was either; sum up what I've done so far and call it a part one, OR just be radio silent and leave people hanging. Because I've already done the effort, I already wrote both the third and the fourth build, so then it meant it was a me problem. 

So, on the month of April, I did the first option I thought of - you guys didn't deserve to be treated like that, to be left behind with a to be continued screen and then I wouldn't really end up continuing it, no. I'd feel like such a bad person for that, haha.

What I'm just trying to say is; Thank you and I'm sorry.

Thank you, due to the fact that you guys didn't start a riot and hunt me down for how long that took and how long I'm still taking right now. A thank you because of the support you've all give,

And I'm sorry, since I thought of leaving everyone on a bad note, not even finishing this project, and not letting people know about it. 

I promise I'm trying! I'm always thinking of ways to be better, and to improve this project and future projects to come. 


Here's what's been going on,  Build 3 Part 2 - Oscirus is set for a meal with the king.

a FULLY revamped Remus Halfmoon ( and other characters to come )

LOTS of new characters - y'know here's three of them


the shatter encounter

+ ADDITIONAL Remus intro scene, and a replacement for the first tent scene

These revamps WILL result to story revisions as I will be rewriting them and will now be the sole writer for my project as intended.

And a future project! 

And that's all I can disclose for now, thank you for your time!

- k34loup

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I just came across this version by chance. I'm wondering if I should start it or should I wait for the update, what kind of advice you can give me?


Honestly all up to you! I could take longer for a new update — but in all honesty to save the hassle and work in relearning plot, I’d say wait. But again! It’s your preference in the end if you want to familiarize yourself with the story so far and all that :))

ok and ty


But you are preparing something heavy for us, frankly I am waiting to see what happens next 

I also had a question to ask you, do you work alone?


I do! I worked alone technically after the first build. Heaps of my original writing has been revised and I ended up being VERY unhappy with how portions of the story progressed — but then if I were to change it, there’d be missing details or some plot holes which served to be a hassle.

Now I’m in the process of reverting. Restoring my own writing on the early builds alongside the art revamps. Then since I rewrote the early ones, the newer ones will get affected as well.. It’s a biiiiig butterfly effect - but I hope everyone is willing to relearn the plot for the sake of my sanity, and everyone else’s clarity o_O


Don't worry, it's good to rediscover history